I've been big on a daily gratitude practice for many decades now, and it is part of my prayer life. I do it even when I don't feel like it (especially then) because God gives us so many things we may focus too hard on what we don't have rather than what we do. For instance, I don't have a big [Read More]
The Walk
Birds and What They Mean to Us
We had an interesting discussion in our craft booth a while back about birds and what they mean to us. ? ? ? I believe God uses many things to communicate with us and help us feel loved and protected. I have always been fascinated with birds and have drawn them for years. Their variety and delicate [Read More]
What Does It Mean to Be Bold?
Being bold as a Christian seems to conjur up different things for God-followers than it does for people who aren't yet believers. I've heard from many non-believers than Christians are mouthy, opinionated, and just downright annoying. And I'd have to agree with that. We don't always present [Read More]
I Just Can’t, God
Do you ever find yourself saying that sometimes? “God, I… just… can’t.” The younger me (and sometimes, even the current me) prays that with a sense of defeat. This sentiment would come at times when: I was working for people who didn’t appreciate me, so I felt sadness ruling my heart I would [Read More]
God of Wonders, Beyond This Galaxy
A few years ago the show "Cosmos" had a reboot with Neil deGrasse Tyson. I am a superfan of his, and of anything having to do with space and the universe and science. I wrote this post from my old blog Putting on the New back then. It is about the connect of God and science. I've seen a lot of [Read More]