A few years ago the show “Cosmos” had a reboot with Neil deGrasse Tyson. I am a superfan of his, and of anything having to do with space and the universe and science.
I wrote this post from my old blog Putting on the New back then. It is about the connect of God and science.
I’ve seen a lot of discussion lately about faith and science. I think talking about this is healthy, but of course, people get heated with their thoughts and beliefs about it. I heard someone say something about there being “two sides to the argument,” presumably God versus science, but to me, they are intertwined. God created science, and we’re all just trying to figure it all out.
When someone gets angry and tells me how wrong I am about God, it doesn’t change my beliefs. I won’t “argue back” and yell over them. (I’m not a yelling type of person.) I’ll allow them their opinions, explain my own (if they let me) and pray for them.
God is in my heart, and discussions about science only strengthen the bond I have with him.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love
Ephesians 3:17 (KJV)
I’m a lover of science. I’ve been fascinated with the show Cosmos since I was a kid, and now seeing the new version (on Sunday nights on Fox) with Neil DeGrasse Tyson has thrilled me to no end. I understand that some people are sensitive to shows like this. They feel it disrupts their beliefs or speaks untruth. I get that’s where they are coming from. But I’ve never been someone that feels far away from God when talking about science. When I watch a show like Cosmos, I see nothing but God everywhere.
What’s more, I get excited at shows like this. I truly believe that God loves seeing us trying to figure things out. He gave us these inquiring minds. I think he gets a thrill seeing our spaceships and technology as we ponder the wonders of the galaxy.
NASA recently released these images and when I look at them, I marvel at all that God has made. It gives me a thrill to see the colors, the exactness, the beauty of it all. It reinforces again the majesty of God.
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16
One of my favorite songs is this one by Third Day. In hearing Mac Powell’s amazing, God-given voice belt out the words to this song, I see once again how powerful God is, how He lives in each of us and in the universe. And that thought truly humbles me.