It's hard to encourage each other sometimes because we are SO BOGGED DOWN with our own stuff. But I find that when I do can put aside the grief and heartache I carry, I can focus my attention to others, and in doing this God is able to help heal me and them at the same time. Each moment we offer a [Read More]
The Walk
The Freeing Power of Forgiveness
I've been thinking a lot about forgiveness. People misunderstand it sometimes. At least, I used to misunderstand it. I used to think that when I forgave I was letting someone "off the hook." But as I got older, I realized the freeing power of forgiveness and how much it lifts the burdens of anger [Read More]
The Hard Times Have a Purpose
I've been putting my writing and art "out there," into the world online for over a decade now. And while I get lots of wonderful comments, I also get some "haters." Not just negative people, but people that attack me for my beliefs, my looks, my work... whatever they can find. It's never easy when [Read More]
Manifesting Your Dreams
I’ve been hearing a term tossed around lately that I want to talk about. It’s this: “Manifesting your dreams.” I hang in a lot of creative circles for writers and artists and this is where I’ve heard it most. I wonder if it’s a new buzz phrase or just something that one or two people said and it [Read More]
The Frustrating World of Social Media
Every so often I hear grumblings from my Christian sisters and brothers about how sick they are of social media. And I get this. Social media can be a wonderful tool to spread the light but it can also be a place to quickly burn yourself out. It is one of the places I love and hate at the same time. [Read More]