For years and years I did a yearly wrap up here, which was a way for me to reflect and take note on highlights (and maybe, lowlights) from the previous year. I did several of these and then hit 2020 and I wrote a final wrap up post titled, "Good Riddance, 2020." It was a challenging year for a lot [Read More]
The Year in Review
Good Riddance, 2020
For those that have followed this blog all these years, you may remember that it usually takes me a while to look back on the previous year and officially (in my mind, at least) "close it out." My end of year posts are meant to simply appreciate the previous year's blessings and struggles, celebrate [Read More]
See Ya, 2019
I think this might be the latest in the year I've ever done a retrospective post like this, and that should tell you all you need to know about 2019. It was busy! So busy, in fact, that I don't have much time to look back and recognize some of the things that happened. And really, that's okay.Here I [Read More]
2018, Peace, Art and Faith, and More
As I write this, the rain is coming down outside and it is a gloomy, moody day. Seems like the perfect time to reflect and do my end of the year wrap up. [Read More]
2017, Bye Girl
I'm a thinker. An introvert. While others sometimes quickly accept things, I need to give it some thought, decide how I feel, and then move on. I react this way to just about everything, which is probably both good and bad. So when it comes to 2017, that year that passed two weeks ago already, I am [Read More]