It took me a while, years really, to grasp this concept of what it really means to be a child of God. [Read More]
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What Is Failure, Really?
I've been working on a poetry project centered around hope. I have a poem I've written, and I'm creating pictures to accompany some of the verses. [Read More]
Taking a Fall Drive
We decided to enjoy the autumn leaves and scenery last weekend, and I was really blown away by the gorgeous colors. [Read More]
For God So Loved the World
When I was a kid, the words from John 3:16 didn't resonate with me as much as they do now. I mean, I got it, I was happy God sent Jesus because it meant we were saved, but as I get older, I see how amazing it was that God became one of us, walked with us... It blows my mind a little. [Read More]
Because We Need to Embrace Hope
I've been thinking a lot about hope. Have you ever felt like you'd been so beaten down that you couldn't even allow hope into your heart? That you were actually afraid of hope now? [Read More]