"I believe the world is beautiful and that poetry, like bread, is for everyone. Roque Dalton [Read More]
Interview With the Community of Christian Creatives
I was so honored to be interviewed by the folks at Community of Christian Creatives. I got to talk about art and faith: my two favorite subjects! [Read More]
God Sees You
Every craft fair is different. Some of them are hot. ha! Some are silly and fun. Some have a more series vibe. We've done fairs where we met people who were fighting terrible illnesses, who spoke of children with cancer, who talked of the pain of losing loved ones, and I pray that each of them find [Read More]
Finding God In the Silence
I've always been a lover of nature. [Read More]
It All Boils Down to Faith
Getting back into the swing of creating and crafting has been the theme this week, hasn't it? Now that I've finally begun to get settled, I'm not about to stop! [Read More]