As a poet, I'm drawn to certain songs simply for their storytelling value. I'm also a fan of the use of meter in songs. One of my favorites is "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles. I've often wanted to write a song (even though I am not a good singer and don't play any instruments!) and I find the process [Read More]
Pop Culture
Mister Rogers and the Hope He Offered
Why do I start bawling anytime I see something about Mister Rogers? Maybe it is because he spoke to us directly as children. He spoke to the broken pieces in us and made it okay to be exactly who we were. Not all of us rec'd that as children. Some of us were hit, belittled, abused. Some of us were [Read More]
Loving the Bio Pics
I've been on a "bio pic" kick. [Read More]
Love Love Love Loving Vincent
I have been dreaming and thinking about the movie Loving Vincent for a couple weeks now. It is a breathtaking work of art. [Read More]
Hello Jennifer Weiner!
One of my favorite authors, Jennifer Weiner, was in town recently and I had the good fortune of attending her book signing. She's a favorite of mine for many reasons. [Read More]