The words for today are: thank you. [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Andy Warhol
I once heard someone say that if you refuse to make a decision, then you are still making a decision. [Read More]
Thank You Note for 21 Simple Things You Can Do for Someone With Diabetes
Forget to mention that my book 21 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Someone With Diabetes was featured at the Writers' in the Sky blog last month! They gave me a lovely review, which I am grateful for. I also received a thank you note for my book recently. An honest to goodness, handwritten thank [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Logan Pearsall Smith
I'm coming up on the anniversary of my father's death, and this quote really summed up his life to me: “There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it.” ―Logan Pearsall Smith It's not just about getting "stuff" in life, it's about enjoying life. [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Philip K. Dick
This is certainly very true: Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. — Philip K. Dick, novelist I'm always amazed at the people who live their lives in the world of denial. Denying things doesn't make them disappear. It doesn't make them easier, either. Growing [Read More]