Boy, I sure know this one is true: “There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” ―Ben Williams [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Maya Angelou
Came across this quote from my very favorite poet, Maya Angelou. “I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” ―Maya Angelou [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Ever Garrison
“A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.” ―Ever Garrison [Read More]
Count Your Blessings Today
A couple weeks ago I found out someone I used to know had a terrible accident. We went out a few times, and our dates together were always joyful and pleasant. He lived in one city, I lived in another... and needless to say the timing was just never right for anything serious. [Read More]
Terrific Review for 21 Simple Things You Can Do to Help Someone With Diabetes
As a writer, the best thing in the world is when someone reads your work and connects with it. This could include book reviews, letters to you, or mentions on a blog. Connecting with a reader means more than a heavy paycheck and fame. (Not that those things aren't nice too.) Still, when you get [Read More]