I think this might be the latest in the year I've ever done a retrospective post like this, and that should tell you all you need to know about 2019. It was busy! So busy, in fact, that I don't have much time to look back and recognize some of the things that happened. And really, that's okay.Here I [Read More]
year in review
2017, Bye Girl
I'm a thinker. An introvert. While others sometimes quickly accept things, I need to give it some thought, decide how I feel, and then move on. I react this way to just about everything, which is probably both good and bad. So when it comes to 2017, that year that passed two weeks ago already, I am [Read More]
2016, The Wrap Up
2016! I see you there in the distance, getting farther and farther behind me. I'm not too very disappointed you've moved through my life, tho. You were a challenge. [Read More]
Looking Back at 2014
Every year I do a wrap up of sorts. I look back on the previous year and reflect on things I've noticed or learned. I don't do a theme or "word of the year" like some do. I guess I'm not that organized. But I do like to reflect for a moment before I can mentally move forward and as always, this [Read More]