A poem I wrote a long time ago about my grandpa. [Read More]
Your Pretty Words and the Harm They Leave Behind
I'm a big believer that words mean something. Words are my love language, and I've seen them do wonderful things and terrible things. I feel that words have value. While we all mess up and say things we don't mean, sometimes there are people who spout words to manipulate us, to get us to believe we [Read More]
A little flashback here that popped up in my inbox. A recomendation from Amazon.I just never get tired of that. LOL [Read More]
A Poem About Letting Go
A memory that popped up in my timeline about a poem I wrote years ago about just letting go and allowing God to give you the blessings you were meant for. This isn't as easy as it sounds. We hold on to thoughts and beliefs and dreams and some of them are difficult to let go of. There is a balance to [Read More]
His Favorite Poems in Poiema
Found this note pop up recently in my social media. Seems like a nice #ThrowbackThursday to share.My husby bookmarked his favorite poems. It’s fun to see which ones he gravitated to. [Read More]