Got some beautiful flowers this week from my hubs, and it made me think of a favorite quote of mine. [Read More]
A Bird Came Down the Walk by Emily Dickinson
I have to admit I'm a big fan of Emily Dickinson's poetry. Enjoy this poem today, "A Bird Came Down." [Read More]
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
It's Poetry Saturday here! I've decided that we're going to start included some poetry here occasionally on weekends, and this is the first one. By the way, if you're a poet, let me know and perhaps we can showcase one of your poems here. [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: C.S. Lewis
How are you feeling about your thoughts and dreams lately? You know, it's natural to feel down every once in a while. People tell me I'm a positive person, and I am most of the time, but like everybody I get down occasionally. Writing can be filled with a lot of rejections and waiting. [Read More]
A Toast to Him
A friend and I were recently talking about some hard times we had experienced. She had been going through some issues, and I've been dealing with these house issues. We're both writers, so that means there is always the issue of finding work, getting paid, etc. As we chatted, she said something very [Read More]