One question I get a lot is from aspiring writers who want advice on their craft and how to break into the publishing world. [Read More]
Being a Creative Entrepreneur
Memories From the Corporate World
Have to post this #FlashbackFriday picture since it’s been cracking me up for days. My friend Tina is next to me. I am the one with the severe bangs, French twist, green suit, and pearls. I don’t remember wearing that much makeup in those days but it sure looks like I had a lot on in this picture. [Read More]
What Would You Ask?
I'm working on a new ecourse right now that talks about making a living as an artist. [Read More]
Seeing the World as an Artist
The early part of my life was dominated by darkness… my father’s alcoholism, the patterns we developed as a family, and being told how worthless I was. But in those bleak, early days, I remember some cool moments that stand out, and nearly all of them have to do with creativity. [Read More]
Keep on Writing and Writing and Writing
I was asked to be a judge in this year's George Putz Memorial Writing Contest with the Shawano school district. [Read More]