I saw this pop up on social media memories from five years ago, and it is still so special to me that I wanted to share it again. It's about Christmas memories and something that still means a lot to me. [Read More]
Saying I Love You in the Way They Need to Hear
Valentine's Day happened recently and as usual, I chose to ignore it. I wrote a post about God's love and all the possibilities that come with it instead. [Read More]
10 Things to Know About Love
Do you know all you need to about love? [Read More]
What Marriage Is
Weddings used to be done a lot in summer, but I'm finding now they are really held throughout the year. [Read More]
Blessed With Work and Making Time for the Things That Matter
My most favorite movie of all time is Return to Me. Have you seen it? One line from that movie is "I'm blessed with work." I LOVE that line and that sentiment. I think too often people use the word "busy" in this negative connotation. They hide behind it as an excuse not to communicate or do the [Read More]