I was so thrilled to be interviewed by Artsy Shark, a site dedicated to artists and their businesses. We talk about the blessings and challenges of being a creative entrepreneur in this changing market. [Read More]
Art Inspiration
Becoming an Artist When You Have a Full Time Job
What if you really want to be an artist, but right now you have a full-time job? [Read More]
Combining Oil and Acrylic in Mixed Media Paintings
Part of the fun of mixed media is combining a variety of elements to create a specific look. [Read More]
Should You Take a Side Gig?
I worked a lot of different jobs before I became a full-time creative entrepreneur. I worked in marketing, did temp jobs, and even worked part-time while starting up my freelance writing business. So I completely understand the question that so many artists and writers ask me, which is, “Should you [Read More]
Those Big Eyes
I recently watched "Big Eyes" and was pleasantly surprised with the film. [Read More]