One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. Psalm 27:4 [Read More]
Lift Each Other Up
Let us do our best to lift each other up in this very broken world. Our words and actions matter.This painting is called "The Dearest Spot on Earth," which is always the place where love can be found. [Read More]
Encourage One Another
"She was an encourager, even though she too had grief that she carried."Today is difficult for many women. They are hurting from loss on many levels and being childless often means you get pushed to the side of society. Even our families do this. Instead of embracing each other as a community, as a [Read More]
I saw a quote the other day in my Bible study, which said: "Redemption is when the pain is treated and turned around so thoroughly that it not only loses its power to do you harm but also gains the power to do some good."People ask me all the time how I could have experienced the things I have and [Read More]
A Field of Blue Horses
It is my sincerest wish for you that you each have a field of blue horses you can visit from time to time. đź’™ [Read More]