Birds have been a popular art subject of mine since I was a kid. This crayon drawing was from when I was about eight (8) years old.
Even then, I liked the color and variety of birds. But it took me until I was an adult to really understand the whole, “God takes care of the birds and so will take care of you” thing.
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
~Matthew 6:26
(Are You Not of More Value print)
I’ve always been fascinated by birds and the delicate nature of their bodies. They seem like beings that shouldn’t be able to survive, and yet they do. They find food, build nests, and remind us with their colors and variety that we each have our own path in life. I marvel at the fact that God is taking care of them and it reminds me that He is in everything, and my small world and life are important to him.
I talk more about my love of birds and how they have taught me to grow closer to God in my book, Painting the Psalms.