We had an interesting discussion in our craft booth a while back about birds and what they mean to us. ? ? ? I believe God uses many things to communicate with us and help us feel loved and protected. I have always been fascinated with birds and have drawn them for years. Their variety and delicate [Read More]
Look to the Skies for Inspiration
This pillow contains a quote from Genesis 1:20, and says: "Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” It's one of my favorite lines from the Bible for many reasons. I used it as inspiration for the original painting and then for the pillow I designed from it. When I see the vast number of [Read More]
The Birds and God and Being Taken Care Of
Birds have been a popular art subject of mine since I was a kid. [Read More]
Let the Birds Fly Above the Earth
I've always enjoyed painting birds, but in the last few years I've really taken notice of them in my yard. [Read More]
Blue Birds and the Bible
This week I've been experimenting with different pictures, taking a break from the strong women pictures I like so much and doing other things. Like birdies! I also love to paint birds. [Read More]