It’s been a busy couples of months and we’re finally enjoying some warm weather. We found a cute little coffee place by us and it’s been nice just going there to work or hang out with my husby.
One thing I appreciate about my husband and our life together is that he is able to enjoy all those tiny moments that make up a life, like running errands and going to the farmer’s market or just milling around. When the great things happen you celebrate them, when the bad things happen you deal with them, but in between that time you live in the ordinary, sacred moments.
I’ve obsessed with digital art lately. It’s been fun doodling around at the end of the night just to play and relax. Best of all, some of these apps record every single “brush” stoke (with the stylus) and then kick them out in a fun time lapse video. I’ve got a bunch of in-progress videos on my Instagram page.
I’ve also been doing the traditional doodling, too, of course. Here’s a couple new ones I’ve added to the shop:
(“Behold You Are Beautiful, My Love”)
Finally, can I just tell you how lovely it is when you guys send me thank you for notes and updates on the art? I mean… are you kidding? Seriously, I love hearing about how you display my art. Some of you send me pictures of the art hung up or on the items you purchase, and it is a thrill to see!
One woman purchased my “Sisters in Hope” print for a friend, and she sent me a picture to see which frame her friend chose and where she hung it:
Someone else bought my print “We Love Because” and sent me the picture of where she hung it:
And someone else showed me the “Prayer Warrior” tote bag she bought at my Society6 page:
An 8th grade teacher used my “This I Believe” essay in her class to do a “genre shift” project, taking the words from my essay and turning them into poems. She sent me a few of the works in progress and thanked me for being a “model of bravery” in telling my story to help others. I’m so humbled and thrilled that these students are creating poetry from my words and learning about the power of writing.
Also, our winner of the Art and Faith giveaway last month sent me a picture of her with the book and gave her permission for me to post it, which I really cherish because I’m so happy that she enjoyed the book! The she wrote a lovely review on Amazon, which is always a blessing because reviews are usually hard to get. So I especially appreciate that!
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know our Schnoodle cracks me up like crazy. She’s always at my side, so is it no wonder images of doggies find their way into my art? And now that I found a dog I’m not allergic to, I can’t get enough.
Here she is jumping on my leg while I paint:
This is seriously what she does when I’m in the studio painting and singing… and yeah, she could be laughing at my terrible voice but I prefer to think she really enjoys it. 🙂
So if you’re wondering why I started painting whimsical dogs, I think the reason is pretty clear.
Oodles of News
I don’t know if I really do have “oodles” of news items to share, but it rhymed with the rest of it so I had to use it. Am I right?
I’ve got a few interviews at Readers Digest in articles about relationships. One is about “9 Clear Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship” and the other is “9 Things All Good Listeners Do During Daily Conversations.” Both subjects I’m really passionate about. I’ve got a few more that will be published in the next few weeks, so be sure to follow me on Twitter or Facebook because I’ll share links there.
Finally, you know how I love clouds and sunrises and sunsets, right. (I love sunsets especially, like really love them.) There is something about the big expanse of sky that reminds me of God at work, and every time I see one, especially where we live now, I have to take a moment and stop and appreciate them. The other night, this is what the sky looked like after a storm, without a filter or special equipment or anything, just with my iPhone:
Blessings in the ordinary moments.