Sometimes we spend more time on the people who consistently let us down, don’t take time for us, berate us, name call… than the ones who are loving and kind and make an actual effort to be in our lives. There are times when you need to set a boundary and love those people from a distance, one where you are not let down again and again and again, but where you can pray for them, accept them, and want the best for them but not jump to their every whim and tantrum. You can see them, interact with them, but not put yourself in the path of what will be pain and let down.
If someone has showed you a pattern and you continue to expect it to be different, you need to figure out why. There is a hard truth in realizing that someone just is not interested in knowing you or loving you. But accepting this can allow you to accept them and then open your heart to the one’s who will love you and treat you well.
I think we spend so much time on people who are selfish and behave in an unloving way because of others who give us their opinions on what we should do. I’ve personally found that anyone who does that is not interested in you or your experience or hurt. It’s about not having to listen to that unloving person complain or just wanting “peace,” (which isn’t real peace at all).