In this video still, I’m holding a card from my Devotional Deck from my course, “10 Days of Devotions.”

I’m talking about this verse:
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galations 6:9 ESV
You guys, I don’t know about you but in this world it is hard to always be positive. It is hard not to feel like “What does it matter what I do.” You want to do good and be a light… and yet, some days it is more difficult than others. You read the news, you wonder about the state of the world, and you wonder how you fit in with all that is happening.
But God knows how you feel. He gave us this verse to remind us that we WILL feel weary sometimes, but we should press on. God takes everything we do and works with it. He doesn’t need us, but He uses our good works to help further His kingdom. He allows us to be a part of His plan.
I believe that most of the things we do will have an impact that we will never know about. This is the way is HAS to be, otherwise we’d be looking for accolades instead of turning our attention to God. We have to press on, even when we feel weary, because God has a plan that we are a part of, and we can find comfort that we are a part of His purpose. There is no better place to be.

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