People ask me all the time how I get the texture and color into my paintings that I do. Mixed media is all about those small details that make you look closely at a painting, but creating a background isn’t just about throwing things randomly on the canvas. It involves layers that are unique and float one on another, until you have the depth that makes you see something new in that painting each time you look at it.

The way to make that happen is by creating a good starting point. That’s where my new Skillshare class, Mixed Media Backgrounds, comes in!

In this ecourse I’m showing you eleven (11) different projects where I create a background.

These backgrounds are filled with a variety of texture patterns and color, and with simple supplies I show you how you can create something unique and individual with each painting you do.

The class has about 3 1/2 hours of video instruction. Join me for Mixed Media Backgrounds.