Did the Holy Hill Arts and Crafts Fair over the weekend, and it was another wonderful day. I’m always amazed at how many people come through there. There is a line waiting to get in even an hour before the show.

This is a tradition for some people, and I love that. My booth has changed so much from the first time I did the show!

The last few weeks one message has come through to me loud and clear: make time for people. This is something I do regularly and in this show it was impressed upon me again. I see the people who think their time is more valuable than others, and these folks suffer from a lack of deep, lasting, relationships. We too often want likes and comments rather than real friends, and we need to change that.
During this show, I again heard so many stories from people. They tell me about their struggles and triumphs and about the people in their lives. I think the fact that so many people buy my art as gifts for other people is what humbles me the most, because nurturing relationships is something we all need to do. We get away from this. We think that Facebook is the equivalent of spending time together, and it isn’t.
The one thing I have learned from talking to so many people is that we all only have so much time, and in fact!, it’s the same amount each day! Our time, no matter who we are, is never more valuable than someone else’s. The best way we can spend that time is in making someone in our life feel heard, encouraged, and loved. We need each other.
This weekend, I saw so many people I used to work with, so many that have come out to my shows again and again, so many friends, new and old, and I am very grateful for every one of them. This job is a gift, and I am thankful for it.
And can I just say how inspiring the view from my booth was?