Spring is here! Kinda. Sort of. Anyways, I do see bits of color here and there so I’m taking it! Don’t you always get just a little bit excited at the prospect of Spring? I can’t wait to see the new surprises from nature. New colors. Hello color my old friend.
Just seeing hints of warmer weather give me all the feels. I really just want to take my notebook and sketch everything I see. I mean, can you believe how pretty this groundcover is? Look at the patterns, which are like small rose buds up close. Look at that color!
And there is something about the hearty hosta plant pushing it’s way up from the ground that I find especially inspiring.
And hello tulips! Hello yello! Thank you nice lady who planted these before I lived here.
And I haven’t forgotten you, brilliant orange. I see you there smiling up at me while I go outside with my dog.
And yes, hello brilliant yellow dandelions. I know you are a weed but I enjoy your color and style. I really do!