Did Jesus laugh?
While scripture doesn’t specifically point out a verse that shows Jesus laughing, I believe that he did. He was human. All of us laugh at times.
What’s more, anyone that’s been around the block a few times knows that God must have a sense of humor. He married night owls to morning birds, slobs to neat freaks, and introverts to extroverts. He puts us in situations that are ironic and that no fiction author could possibly make up.
Most of what we’ve heard about Jesus is solemn. There’s good reason for that. He had a serious mission here on earth. But when I think about him laughing, I am filled with a sense of comfort, and even greater belief that he knows me so well.
I picture Jesus having a good laugh right along with me. We’ll laugh at my goofy moments, laugh gently to ourselves about those silly but loving people who mean well but drive us crazy, and laugh when we’re given a situation that is just beyond my control. Sometimes, laughter helps you from crying. It allows you to step back, put it all in perspective, and not take it all too seriously.
My husband bought me this picture, called “Jesus Laughing,” years ago for our wedding. I loved it immediately. We have it in a place we see every day, and when I walk past it I feel as if Jesus is telling me to shake off the bad things that are occupying my mind, and remember what’s important. It reminds me that God loved us so much he sent his son to save us, to walk among us, and to feel our pain. But I’d also like to believe that before he gave his life for us, Jesus had some moments that made him smile and even laugh here on earth. I hope when we get to heaven, we’re able to laugh and enjoy our time with our savior, this time for eternity.