“With God all things are possible.” I put these words in a poem, and later added them to a painting (“Her Heart Is Light.”) I believe this with all my heart. And yet, I also believe that “all things” are not always the things we think they are. They are not our wishes and desires this side of heaven.
It’s okay to tell God you don’t understand what’s happening. To be angry. Tell him everything. Show him everything. (He already knows so you don’t need to hide.) When you’re hurting and confused at the path your life has taken, go to Him.
I struggle with understanding the love He has for me. People that know me really, really well know exactly why. I’ve gone through horrible things and still go through things (like everyone), but I also have blessings. A beautiful life that I cherish.
I don’t know everything. I don’t understand why one person seems to have so much while another doesn’t. Or why some children grow up with supportive, loving parents and others are hit and abused and told how worthless they are. I don’t know why people hurt you and then lie about the fact that they did and then get angry with you because you don’t embrace that lie. I don’t know why some people are so kind and loving and others are cruel.
The older I get, the more I understand how little I know. But I know God is here. I don’t always understand what He is doing or how, but I will keep reaching out to him, keep praying. Even if my prayers are “Why” and “please” and “help” and all the not so pretty prayers that occupy our hearts and minds… I will keep praying because I do believe with God all things are possible.