Sometimes people think I’m always happy and in a sunny mood and when someone is nasty with me, it doesn’t affect me. But of course, carelessness and evil and negativity affect me and make me feel horrible just like anyone would feel. I’ve dealt with a lot of things. A lot of people who have purposely hurt me and some who hurt me without thinking. There are things I’m still dealing with, even after years.
But overall, I focus on the positive. I pray a lot. I get frustrated and pray some more. I ask God for forgiveness and to help me understand. I ask Him to reveal his prescense in certain situations where I don’t see him. There will always be bad things to deal with, but we must continue to focus on God first. He will help us in everything else that needs to happen. It doesn’t mean things will ever be easy. But I cannot imagine my life without God, and when I am feeling bad and hopeless, I go back to him again and again and ask for help.
This Instagram roundup reminded me of times when things were happening that I didn’t understand. Where people acted like idiots to me. When circumstances were continually difficult. While the holidays are a happy time, they can also be stressful, so in this roundup I see myself trying to offer hope to myself and others.