What if you really want to be an artist, but right now you have a full-time job? I cannot tell you how many times I get asked that question! And it’s a great one. Rarely do people start out as an artist. We usually take “regular” jobs for a while and sometimes we even go back to maintaining a part-time gig if the money you get from art is not enough to support your family and yourself.
I worked in the corporate world for 20 years, then became a full-time freelance writer for a decade and a half, and then I made my way into the art world.
And I bet you’ll never guess what my first job ever was. Go ahead and guess! I’ll wait…..
You know what? I reveal this in the next video.
I broke out my advice about leaving your full-time job into short videos in this post because this is an important and complex subject.
Picture How You Want Your Creative Life to Be
Decide Which Parts of Your Life You Will Give Up for the Time Needed to Fit In Art
Take Small Steps Every Day to Create Your Business
Live Like You Are Already an Artist
Never Stop Learning, Researching, Growing