Rain is really a force, isn’t it? It can ruin a baseball game. It can make the flowers grow. It can make you feel like a kid again. It can cause you to wish you never went outside that day.
Last weekend I did my first outdoor craft fair of the season, and it was cold. Like, so cold I can’t believe we’re into the middle of May. I dressed in layers. A cape over a sweater over a shirt over another shirt. A wool hat. I thought I’d be okay.
And I was, for most of the day. Really sometimes being outside in bad weather is a state of mind. Things that warmed me: the people, return customers, the location, the excitement of doing my first outdoor fair, support of my family…
How can you not be warmed by that?
And to see my in-laws brave the cold was especially heartwarming for me. I know they didn’t have to do that, and so appreciated it. You see that tote bag my mother-in-law is holding? She snagged the Be Still, My Soul bag, which is a favorite of mine, too. I love that she’ll have a little piece of my art with her every time she carries it. That warms my heart, too.
This was the first show where I had the bags with me. They were great for adding that extra pop of color on our booth and also good for sales. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love tote bags? All of these are also in my online shop.
Besides the cold, I was really happy to be at this particular craft fair. It was well-attended and well run. And a good location! So I’ll add this to my list to do again.
We got through the whole day, and at the very end, it started to rain. We were able to protect the prints and tote bags, but I got soaked. You know all those layers I had on? Each one became more drenched with every step. It was a sight to see! Luckily, I don’t have pictures of that for you.
I’m glad the rain only happened at the end. Want to see where I’m at next? Check out my events schedule.