Every art/craft fair outing is interesting for a variety of reasons. They all seem to have their own unique personality. This weekend I was out at Trimborn Farms, which is a beautiful setting in Greendale.
Weather is always a worry for these outdoor events, but we were blessed with sun all weekend and a really nice Fall day.
The first day we were there, a funny thing kept happening. Every time I would leave the booth, my husband would sell something. Like, every single time. A couple people came back later to tell me they had bought something, which was sweet. But I started joking with my husby that maybe I should leave and go shopping so he could make some more sales. LOL
I even sent out a note on Instagram that if anyone would like to stop out and visit, I promise to leave the booth so you can meet my husby and chat him up.
Isn’t he the cutest? I do agree he’s also a way better salesperson than I am in that booth. I like to talk with people quietly and one on one if they seem to want to share things. So the husby and I have different approaches to this, which works out really well. Mostly, he’s the friendlier one of the two of us.
But I do enjoy hearing people’s stories and why they are attracted to certain prints. That makes this whole thing worthwhile.
And I love when people visit me!
Especially when they bring me Diet Coke!
I was hurting without that, ya’ll. I needed that caffeine.
Got visits from family and friends, especially one friend I hadn’t seen since high school! I thought she lived in another state for some reason and then, there she was, saying “Hello Cherie” as if we had been in touch all these years! It was so sweet and I loved it. I could have just stayed there and chatted with her forever. I half wanted to take her arm and say, “Let’s go shopping at this fine festival while my husby sells all my art… cuz it will probably all be gone by the time I get back…” but I didn’t.
There was a lot of people and activity and that always makes the days go fast, so that was a blessing.
At the end, a really fun group of women spent a long time in the booth, going through pictures and telling stories. They bought lots of prints and described why they were buying each one, which is a blessing I will keep with me always.