Every craft fair I do seems to have a theme of some sort, or at the very least a lesson that sticks out for me.
The ability to do art is a blessing, of course, and I would hope that the art I do brings positive things into someone else’s life as well, but I also believe that I am meant to learn something along the way, too.
The craft fair I did this weekend had a theme… people kept asking about angels. The question I heard again and again as people scanned through my prints was: “Do you have any angels?”
And as very often happens with my art, I forgot what I really did have. I thought about it, then decided I really didn’t have many angel prints. Then someone would pull out this one:
Or this one:
Or this one!
(Strong Wings, Determined Heart)
In fact, the original painting for Strong Wings, Determined Heart sold at this craft fair, too.
I’d laugh and shake my head… oh yeah… those. I seem to forget about everything I paint as soon as it’s done. I’m on to the next picture, the next poem… I don’t always remember.
So this weekend, it was angels. Do you have any angels? And the fact that people asked me this over and over seemed like a message to me, to think about angels and what a gift they are, this protection and companionship from God.
I’ve written about them in poems quite often. In looking through my poetry, I found these snippets:
And just like a guardian angel
you tapped my shoulder
that Sunday afternoon.
from the poem: “Making Me Remember“
Solitary in nature,
with angels for companions.
from the poem “Tomorrow She Walks With Grace“
I held hands with the angels
embraced the challenges
made love to the idea of hope.
from the poem “I Am a Poet“
It was what I could do
for this angel in waiting.
from the poem “Angel in Waiting“
Unlike me
they can no longer write a poem
but they whisper words upon my ear.Angels now.
from the poem “Just Like Me“
Perhaps the pain
is from angels feverishly
sewing thousands of stitches
deep into your spine.
from the poem “The Purpose of Pain“
Angels are tough.
The kind of tough
that fights for God
and leaves judgement
to Him.from the poem “Angel Toughness“
Angels have found their way into my art and poetry for a long time. I guess the reason I blanked on whether or not I had angel paintings is that the girls I create are mostly angels to me. They are guides, offering protection and a message. They don’t always need wings, but on the other hand there is great symbolism with wings as well. It is how we take off on new adventures, how we fly out of the nest and grow as people.
So while I might only have a couple girls with wings, I feel like most of the girls I paint are angel-like in their meaning.
And then, the most remarkable thing happened. A girl came into my booth while I sat sketching. We had a slow period and I was bored and picked up my notebook and sketched out ideas for new art. And as I did a mentally challenged girl walked into my booth and started talking about mixed media art and how she was an artist too. She drew auras, she said. So I asked her about that and she told me that I didn’t see the auras like she did, but I felt them. And that’s why on craft fair days I get kind of overwhelmed with it all.
I cannot tell you how this insight blessed me. I had literally said just that earlier in the day, that I feel overwhelmed when so many people are near. And then, before I could contemplate her words longer, she asked my name again and then shouted, “You are an artist, Cherie! You’re an artist!”
Later, when I told my husband about this he said it was like a message I needed to hear that day, and we both agreed this remarkable girl could have been an angel sent there to tell me just that. Even if she wasn’t, she blessed me with her sweet attitude and heart, which is something I think God wants us to do with each other.