We moved a few months back and now have this small but sunny room that I’m using for a studio. I’ve finally been able to organize things in there and really get some things put away, up on the bookshelves and into the carts.
They say artists like working in chaos, but I really don’t find that. Most artists I know like to keep things fairly organized. It’s more inspiring for me to go into there now and see what I have to create with than digging through piles. ha!
First thing I did, of course was put up a few pictures. Don’t you love how I get them all straightened out and even?
Then, I got these cool little buckets from the dollar store to put my paints in. I have a couple plastic containers that keep extra papers and gelatos, and my Ikea cars which I really can’t live without.
Do you love the mantel on the wall? I got it as a birthday present years ago and it was the perfect patina and color.