Unfortunately Christmas has become a holiday that many people now find a hurried and stressful time. In an effort to give better gifts and make sure we get cards out, what we’ve ultimately done is pushed the real meaning of the season out.
Instead of falling into the negativity trap that can come with the holiday, here are a few ways to put Christ back in Christmas. By remembering the reason for the season we can display the virtues that make us Christians and let the joy and gratefulness we feel during the holiday spill over throughout the year.
Limit the Cards
While Christmas cards are a lovely gesture, too often we send them out of obligation to people we barely know or care about. The original intent was to send news of your family and to tell someone you’re thinking about them. But today Christmas cards often become a source of aggravation and stress. Ask yourself, whom are you really doing this for?
Limit your cards. I’ve done this and it makes things so much easier. Also, instead of sending Christmas cards to everybody, pray for people as a family. Sincerely and truly. Think about their lives and ask God to protect them and bless them. Get your children involved and show them that prayer is one of the most powerful things you can do for someone you love.
Remember God’s Words
Read from the Bible. Choose passages that speak of the Lord’s birth. Have each family member read their favorite passage and talk about why it means so much to them.
Put Christ back in the season literally as well as figuratively. They aren’t holiday songs: they’re Christmas carols. It isn’t “Happy Holidays”: it’s “Merry Christmas.” Don’t use the abbreviation “X-Mas.” Make sure “Christ” stays in “Christmas” in everything you write and say.
Connect With Your Faith
Remember how the whole thing started? It was the celebration of the Lord’s birth. Take cues from His birth to determine God’s view on “things” and “possessions.” After all, Jesus was born in a simple manger. He lived a simple life. His “kingdom” is not filled with gold, but with golden hearts and pure intentions. The birth of Jesus is not a fable to be told like some other Christmas tale. It holds meaning and serves as an example of how we should live.
Go to a candle light church service. There is nothing better than seeing shining bursts of light from each person in a darkened room to remind us of God as the light in the darkest parts of our lives.