I’m participating in a mail art exchange organized by June (A Creative Dream) and it’s been a blast. You guys already know how much I love her work.
Last time we did one of these was back in May, and I painted one of my “girls,” with big hair, gold glittery stuff, and lots of eyelashes. This time I’ve been experimenting with a different process.
I printed off a copy of my picture Rejoice Evermore on a postcard sized thingy.
Then I took this awesome little pile of papers I’ve been collecting and did some gluing. I left her face and some of her hair come through. I let it dry, and wanted to give my girl bigger hair. Can hair ever really be big enough?
So I painted on more hair.
But this hair of hers, I wanted it to be full of unique highlights… like positive words! (You know if I could paint a bunch of positive words to carry around in my hair I probably would.)
I used my favorite silver glittery pen and wrote words like faith, hope, kindness, love, etc, all through her strands. For good measure, I added a “worthy” up at the top.
Cyndi L says
Whoever receives your postcard is going to be *very* blessed, Cherie!
Cherie says
Thanks, Cyndi. 🙂
Eileen says
Maybe next time, June will pair me with you, Cherie. (Hint, hint, June). Your women are always so inspiring – like your poetry.
Cherie says
I’m with you on that (hint hint, June!) 🙂