Have I ever talked about Mister Rogers here? I don’t think so. But Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a favorite of mine growing up. His words and actions meant so much to me. Seeing this calm man who spoke right into the camera and told you how special you were made an impact.
When he died a few years ago, I felt like I had lost a person dear to me, despite that he was just on TV and I’d never met him.
This quote sums up his life and philosophy perfectly. Let’s use these positive words to do better today. Write them down and keep them up at your computer.
“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me.”
The people who helped me as a child are heroes for me. Mister Rogers is a hero for me. But now that the years of pain have passed, I want to be someone that helps others. I want to help kids, and the people who raise and love those kids. I want to be someone who uses her gifts to lift up people, to help us all to live a life filled with grace and compassion.
It isn’t always easy. We live in a busy, fast-paced society and we can get short with each other. It’s not just about mean words but mean intentions and actions. Let’s encourage each other, lift each other up.