There’s a chill in the air that will soon make it impossible to do glass sculptures… but it hasn’t pushed me into the house yet. I’ve got a few more to do before the season ends.
I started with an old solar light that we no longer had the bottom stick for. Why throw it out? It still worked, so naturally I decided to put it in a glass sculpture. I found a clear vase that it fit on top of nicely.
I also gathered some more glass pieces I’d found recently.
Once again, I used an old punch bowl as a vase. I just noticed that one of the Goodwill’s in our area has these cheaper than another Goodwill. Hmm…. I didn’t realize the pricing was different depending on where you went. Good thing for me, the cheaper prices are located closer to my house.
Punch bowls are perfect for bases because they are nice and sturdy.
You know the routine by now… glue and stack…
I like how the blue pieces come through when a clear piece is on top of it.
I added beads around a couple of the levels…
… and on top by the solar light.
I’m in love with blue glass. Really. It just looks so pretty outside. I found that great tumbler glass at an estate sale recently. Those types of glasses are hard to come by in blue.
[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00UTLAW62″ locale=”US” nw=”y” src=”” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″ width=”100″]Want more projects like this? You can find them in my book, [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UTLAW62″ locale=”US” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″]Glass Sculptures: How to Make Beautiful Sculptures for the Garden Using Vases, Bowls, and Other Glass Pieces[/easyazon_link].
Unfortunately we have now turned the corner…I’ve started taking everything IN from the garden!
No no no! (I have my hands over my ears! I don’t think I can bear to hear it!)
I love how the colored glass glints through the facets of the clear glass. I bet these really look spectacular with light shining on them or through them. The solar lamp is genius!
I’ve tried to take a picture at night but it just never does it justice. They are beautiful at night. I love how the light shines through the glass!
I really enjoy looking at your totums, I am making one for my Mom for Christmas, its a car theme. I was just wondering. What is your #1 choice for the glue. Thank for posting your creations!!
A car theme? I hope you’ll share a link – sounds very interesting. The glue I like best is Household Hogar by Goop.
Wow, that looks wonderful! I love blue glass:)
Blue glass is my favorite too. 🙂