I did a series of paintings this week inspired from some new poems I’ve written. The poem I’m using this week is titled “Yes You” and I’ve pulled several lines from each stanza.
The concept of the poem is that while we (as women) are worrying about the lines on our face or how old we are, God is out there trying to remind us that we’re important, we have a purpose on this earth, and we’re beautiful to Him. It sounds very simple, but how many times do we get caught up in the superficial trivia of life and forget to embrace the big picture? (I think we all do this from time to time!)
Each picture contains blues and purples, along with some mixed media elements. I picture each of these women as praying and reflecting as God speaks to them. The names for each are taken from lines of the poem as well.
Hey You Pretty Girl
Hey You Talented Girl
Hey You Silly Girl
How lovely. This really makes one think.
Aw, Eileen, you’re so sweet. I’m glad you like them.
Cherie- I love these!! Beautiful- I am really in love with the last one. Really nice work 🙂
Oh thank you Kim!
I come back and re-read these periodically. I’m striving to internalize the beautiful thoughts.
Aw, you’re so sweet. Thanks, Eileen.