Proverbs is a great section of the Bible, and I probably don’t study it enough. But every time I read a piece of it, I find something that inspires or speaks to me. That was the case with this quote.
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.
~ Proverbs 18:10 (ESV)
I like to think of God’s strength is that He holds us in the palm of His hand. We might try to find strength in a physical tower here, but it’s nothing compared to the safety of His hand.
When do you find yourself turning to God’s strength the most? The older I get, the more I run to Him, the more I pray, and the more I listen. I was always a follower (thank you Jesus for coming to me at an early age!) but as I’ve gotten older my faith as evolved. I think that’s probably as it should be. When I feel confused, angry, upset, and everything else, I seek His comfort. When I take the time to do that, I always come out of it feeling more confident and secure. It’s when I try and make sense of all the hurt in this world on my own, or when I try and respond to someone who is telling lies or behaving poorly, that I don’t respond effectively. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, without God I am nothing but a silly, lost girl. But with Him, my life holds all the possibilities He has for me. There’s no comparison.
Like this article.Remind me about the weakness of human being.
thank you cherie..