We have these alphabet letters up on our fridge that look like blocks, and we use them to spell different things. We have “dream” up there but being the geeks that we are, we also have “cthulhu” and “fhtagn.” (What is a fhtagn, you ask? It’s mentioned in The Call of Cthulhu and is believed to mean dreaming (loosely translated). It basically refers to Cthulhu sleeping beneath the city he inhabits.)
The letters on our fridge somehow got re-arranged, so that “fhtagn” ended up spelled as “fatgn.” My young niece spotted this one day, and moved all the letters so they spelled “fang” instead. She then came up to me and said, “You had “fat” spelled on your refrigerator and that is not a nice word! I changed it for you.”
I loved this because even though M. is very slight, she obviously has been taught well! I explained to her what the word really meant, but you gotta love a girl who isn’t going to put up with any negative self-talk!