(Check out all the posts in this series.)
If you’re like me, you probably have a list of really cool things (at least, they’re cool to you) that if they happened would be just so great you’d pinch yourself. These aren’t goals, and they aren’t part of your bucket list, rather, they are things that you really don’t have any control over. Kind of like winning the lottery. You may buy a ticket, but the rest is up to the universe. Even if you buy a ticket every week, it’s not like “win the lottery” is something you can do. It has to happen to you.
I have a list like that. This list is different than the stuff I want to do in any given year (because again, that would imply that I had some control over it), and it’s different than my list of goals. Here are some of my “cool stuff if it happened” things:
Become a Cartoon Voice
This has been my secret desire for a long time! I doubt this would ever happen, but I think it would be sah-weet if it did. It’s not like I’m auditioning for anything. In fact, while I’ve also had the secret desire to do voice work, I still have never even put together a demo. I’d say my voice is a bit too high, Midwestern, and actually bugs the heck out of me. But I love reading so that’s why I think this would be fun.
Become an Answer on Jeopardy
Jeopardy is one of my favorite all-time game shows and if I could be an answer on it that would be so cool. Something related to my writing would be awesome. When I interviewed Whitney Lyles for Working Writers that was one of the things I asked her! I couldn’t help myself. I had to know what it felt like to be an answer on Jeopardy. (For the record? Whitney said it was “so cool.”)
To Recite the Cover Girl Tag Line for a Commercial
Maybe it’s the reading thing again, but I love the Cover Girl tag line, “easy, breezy, beautiful…. Cover Girl.” I love it so much I want to say it on TV. Did you hear that Cover Girl? I want to say your tag line because I would be awesome at it! (Or at least, I think I would.) Every time I watch America’s Next Top Model and one of the girls messes up, I scream at the TV, “easy, breezy, beautiful…. get it right!”
Write a Song
This is another one of those things that I envision as cool, but will somehow never do anything about it. That’s why it’s on this list instead of my “goals” list. I’d love to write a song with someone, but it would have to be with one of my secret favorites like Bret Michaels. What would the song be about? Well, I don’t know…. but I did once write a poem about verbal abuse that my husband said was a “heavy metal rock song waiting to be made.” So I imagine it would be a real happy schmappy tune!
Have Poetry Read to Me by Maya Angelou
Okay, again, I have never met Maya Angelou. I don’t know her. I doubt she would read her work just for me, but if that would happen it would indeed be very cool. I know Oprah is friends with her. But since I don’t know Oprah, I guess that’s out, too. I just know that I am in love with her poetry and her voice. It’s amazing.
I could go on… and probably will in another blog post. But that’s about enough for now. What are your “it would be cool if it happened” things?