Sometimes the words in one book of the Bible underscore the message in another book. The Bible is told from different witness accounts, and it is thrilling to see all that God promised in one book happen in another. All the books of the Bible reinforce the message that God deserves our praise. In [Read More]
painting the psalms
Oh How I Love the Color Blue
My favorite color is blue, and I use it a lot in my art. I’m not alone! Studies show that blue is one of the most popular favorite colors. It’s easy to forget that God created everything, even color. Scholars have argued about the significance of certain colors in the Bible, but when I think of blue [Read More]
This Child Is Free and Happy
I have very vivid dreams and sometimes paint the images I dream about. One night I dreamed that I was standing in front of a series of doors while at the same time holding a key. I could go wherever I wanted, through any door, and while I had the key in my hand I didn’t need to use it. This dream [Read More]
Joy Always Comes in the Morning
I've been doing some fun, smaller paintings focused on Bible verses lately. Of course, many of these are centered on the Psalms. [Read More]
3 Tips for Aspiring Authors
One question I get a lot is from aspiring writers who want advice on their craft and how to break into the publishing world. [Read More]