Exciting news! My Mixed Media Flowers class is now on Skillshare. Best of all, if you use this link and sign up for their Premium membership, you'll get TWO FREE MONTHS. Skillshare allows you to take bite sized, online classes at your leisure, including my Mixed Media Flowers class. This class is [Read More]
mixed media flowers
Win a Free Spot In Mixed Media Flowers
Update: We have a winner! Our winner was notified and this contest is closed. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to find out about the next one. P.S. I use Random.org to choose winners for my contests. I'm putting the final touches on my new ecourse, Mixed Media Flowers, and want to [Read More]
Mixed Media Flowers Is On Pre-Sale!
My Mixed Media Flowers ecourse officially opens March 1st, but until then, I've got a special deal for you. [Read More]