October always seems to sneak up on me, just as I'm getting used to the change in temps and the feeling of autumn, here comes October quietly tiptoeing into our lives again, reminding us that the things that are really important are those we do for other people. [Read More]
kindness ideas
July Kindness Ideas
July is known for fireworks, grilling out, and enjoying time with friends. What better way to celebrate the independence of a nation than in exercising your freedom, including the ability to spend time with whoever you like. [Read More]
5 Kindness Ideas for May
May is a favorite month that brings in warmer weather (or at least it should... right now as I write this it is still cold), a national holiday, and the start of summer. Here are five ways to show your friends some extra kindness this month. [Read More]
5 Kindness Ideas for March
March is known for basketball playoffs and St. Patrick’s Day, but there’s plenty of other events that can inspire you to do something nice for a friend. Spring’s arrival, the Oscars, and a host of quirky holidays will give you plenty of ideas for random acts of kindness. Here are five. Spring [Read More]
5 Kindness Ideas for February
February is known for Valentine’s Day and is often called the month for lovers, but I've always thought of it more of a fun day, one where you can give heart-shaped treats and just let a friend or coworker know you're pulling for them. The best way to do that? By showing kindness. Kindness should [Read More]