Some poems, despite being really old, still seem current to me. I'm in a different place, my readers are in a different place, but yet the poems remain popular and even gain a new audience. [Read More]
cherie burbach
By Poetry
When I'm putting together a poetry book, I typically take a group of poems and then start cutting... I toss aside poems that I don't feel are to be published (not everything you write should be published) or ones I don't feel are me, or ones I just don't feel are very good. [Read More]
Feel What It’s Like to Soar
I've been playing a lot with my art lately. [Read More]
She Will Be the Woman That Walks With Grace
Many years ago, I was going through old poems that I'd finally kept and stumbled upon "She Will Be the Woman That Walks With Grace." Up until the time I was about thirty, I destroyed everything I wrote. [Read More]
Angel Toughness
For the last couple of weeks I've been putting the final touches on my latest poetry book, Angel Toughness. I am so excited about this book. [Read More]