I'm guest posting at my buddy Sharon's Aromatherapie blog today, and it's with a post that is near and dear to my heart. [Read More]
cherie burbach
Playing With Blue Glass
I really love the look of blue glass, but it's hard to find cool pieces in order to build glass garden sculptures. It seems like the other colors (green and gold especially) come with a lot of different styles and shapes, and the blue just kind of has those smooth vases that are pretty but not [Read More]
The Hey You Paintings
I did a series of paintings this week inspired from some new poems I've written. The poem I'm using this week is titled "Yes You" and I've pulled several lines from each stanza. The concept of the poem is that while we (as women) are worrying about the lines on our face or how old we are, God is [Read More]
Quoted in Happen Magazine Article
I'm quoted in a new Happen Magazine article that talks about making updates to your profile in the spring. [Read More]
Visit Me at Beading Arts!
My artsy blogging pal Cyndi was kind enough to host me at her Beading Arts blog, where I'm talking about my trip to Paris. I share a few photos I took, along with a funny poem that describes a dinner I went to with my hubby. [Read More]