Ever feel like things are out of control? We all have a time or two, I think. When I start feeling like that, I get on my knees and ask God to put it all in perspective for me. [Read More]
Beautiful Words
Beautiful Words Quote: Richard Friedman
I came across this awesome quote from Richard Friedman recently, and as a dog owner really related to it. I love that my dog is so sweet and encouraging and happy to see me. [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Lois Wyse
Friendship is the best, isn't it? A good friend can lift you up, make you feel like it's totally okay that you came racing out of the bathroom with toilet paper on your shoe and yes, you might have ate a whole sleeve of Girl Scout Cookies, but those Girl Scouts need the money. Friends are the [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: A New Ending
So many people wish they could just pass over the mistakes and hardships of their life. I see the logic in that, of course, but then again all those mistakes, the awful moments, the hardest times, are the ones where you really find out what you're made of. [Read More]
Beautiful Words Quote: Berke Breathed
Boy, this one certainly rings true for me. I love Berke Breathed, and this quote to me means it's never too late to be happy. [Read More]