July is known for fireworks, grilling out, and enjoying time with friends. What better way to celebrate the independence of a nation than in exercising your freedom, including the ability to spend time with whoever you like. [Read More]
5 Kindness Ideas for April
April marks the start of warmer temps and fun holidays. Allow some of these dates to give you inspiration for ways to nurture your friendship. Remember that acts of kindness are really ways to keep your relationships strong. If you do them randomly for strangers, you’ll also be changing your outlook [Read More]
5 Kindness Ideas for January
Start the year off right with these ideas for random acts of kindness. I've included these ideas because they are perfectly suited for the month of January. I hope you will allow them to inspire you with action or to create your own act of kindness. Blessings for the new year! [Read More]
That’s What Summer Should Be Like
It's been a busy, crazy, fun (and more cool adjectives) summer. I've been working a lot on a variety of projects, so my head goes from nonfiction subjects to interviewing people to writing some fiction to planning out art to just finding time to enjoy life. It's all a blessing, this variety. I [Read More]
Make Your Thanksgiving the Most Meaningful Holiday of All
Years ago one of our pastors said he liked Thanksgiving because it was a holiday that we (meaning society) hadn't managed to ruin yet. The implication being that Christmas was something we had commercialized to the point of it being about everything but Jesus' birthday. [Read More]