The Schnoodle saying hello and are you done painting for tonight, yet? [Read More]
The Puppy
And My Heart Melts
For the last couple years we've done an intentional gratitude practice of writing thank you notes to each other. It's intentional by design, because the more you actively make gratitude a part of your life, the more you feel it. It's too easy to get caught up in negativity or in the way you wish [Read More]
Doodles and Schnoodles and Oodles of News
It's been a busy couples of months and we're finally enjoying some warm weather. [Read More]
National Pet Day and Unconditional Love
It's National Pet Day, which means someone somewhere decided we needed to take a moment and thank our pets on social media. Because you know, all of these types of days are meant for social media. And I'm in! [Read More]
Homemade Treats for the Doggie
Gen had a hard day yesterday at the vet. It's always so sad to see your doggie suffer for any reason, even when it's something good for her, like going to the doctor. To help ease her pain, I made her some dog treats. [Read More]