Finally! Ah..... The chairs are finished. For those of you reading along, first we found these great chairs at an estate sale for just $80. (Six chairs, a table, three leaves, and those protector things.) We have a casual dining room and felt like the table would go really well in our place. [Read More]
Homemade Coasters
Since I'm still waiting on the nail gun I need to finish up my chair project, I thought I'd share a different craft project with you instead. This one is a fun one and can be customized easily for a gift idea. I made these for my father-in-law for Father's Day, and included a variety of pictures [Read More]
Turkey Card Featured on All Free Holiday Crafts
Remember the turkey card I made for Thanksgiving? Well I have exciting news, it's been included in the All Free Holiday Crafts line up! I love that site, and their sister site, All Free Crochet. I love that they are featuring this card, because it costs basically nothing and lets you use up your [Read More]
Estate Sale Table and Chairs (2)
On to the second installment of my estate sale chairs. In the first installment, I did the seat covers. In this one, I'll attach the seats and start on the backs. [Read More]
Estate Sale Table and Chairs
You know me, I love estate sales. I'm a bargain shopper by nature, plus I really like re-purposing old things. Recently I found a set of table and chairs that I couldn't pass up. The downside (if you can call it that) was that they were in desperate need of some renovation. [Read More]