I’ve realized lately that when people look at your art, they want to know about you. They want to know what makes you tick and where you find inspiration and what makes your art different than someone else’s. In doing craft fairs for the last couple years, I’ve noticed more and more that people have [Read More]
My Mission
Happy 3rd Birthday to Putting on the New
This month, Putting on the New turns 3. I can hardly believe it. So much has happened in three years. So many blessings have come out of that site. [Read More]
On Why Telling Your Story Matters
I was recently reminded about why it was so important to tell my story. We all have stories, all of us have unique experiences that shape who we are. Some of them are positive, wonderful and funny. Some of them are negative. They involve mistreatment and abuse and sadness. I don’t believe in telling [Read More]
What Lies Do You Believe About Yourself?
I think there is value in talking about the things you went through in order to inspire others who are in that same place now. Not to talk about it because you’re stuck or you like to dwell on negativity, but to be real, to tell someone else to allow themselves to feel the hurt so God can move you [Read More]
Vision Boards
Have you ever made a vision board? People think they're either really cool or completely ridiculous. [Read More]